Jena, worm's-eye view (from Saale)
... to the webpages of the Department of Hydrogeology at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena. On the subsequent pages we would like to introduce you to the focus of research and teaching of our department. Probably we can welcome you as a guest on one of our events.
Jena, worm's-eye view (from Saale)
Image: Robert Lehmann

Hydrogeology in Jena

Research at the Chair of Hydrogeology follows an interdisciplinary approach based on four basic pillars.  Learn more.


Visualisation of a modeled flow field inside the pores of an aquifer
Visualisation of a modeled flow field inside the pores of an aquifer
Image: Thomas Ritschel

We appreciate the interest of prospective students of our field of study. A course in geosciences or bio-geosciences within the field of hydrogeology offers the possibility to acquire a broad spectrum of qualifications and also interesting, diversified and attractive career opportunities. It is certainly worthwhile to drop in and get a taste for the life at the university, for example as guest student or trainee. Students, parents and teachers have the unique opportunity to experience geological subjects under the lead of professors of the institute of geosciences within the initiative.

Currently, our lectures de are held in German language.

Head of the Chair of Hydrogeology

Kai Uwe Totsche, Prof. Dr
Prof. Dr. Kai Uwe Totsche
Image: FSU/Hydrogeologie
Room H 104
Burgweg 11
07749 Jena Google Maps site planExternal link
